Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lessons of Life

About a year ago, I was put in charge of the family business (more like thrust into managing it really, but doesn't put in charge sound better?). So I was taught the basics, how to sell in order to make money which would in turn pay the bills, which by the way is only 20% of what I needed to know. As for the rest? I just learnt (and still learning) those along the way.

Of course, life isn't without its complications. When I found myself in a knot, I'd have no clue what to do. There was literally no one I could ask for guidance. I would always be in a foul mood feeling angry, panicked, sad, helpless and abandoned. There were tons of times I wished that all of my problems would just disappear. Sometimes even pretending like they weren't there. But it only made things it worse, creating even bigger problems. Believe me, I was scared as hell thinking it would never end. I realized that doing nothing about it isn't gonna help at all. So I did what I had to - face my problems and solve them one at a time.

Eventually things started to look up. And here I am still standing. You know the saying, "When there's a will, there's a way." It's a very good description in my case. It takes tons of willpower and inner strength to get you through tough times. I know there's always gonna be bad days and really really bad days. When you do feel like giving up, as I have many times, just think of something that keeps you going. For me, it's proving to myself that one day I will make it big time and being able to design and build my dream house with a new car to match. Remember, all those successful people had to start somewhere. Some got a lucky break but what the hell, who says we can't be just as great? Motivate yourself because there's only one person you can count on: YOU!